Downtown Berkeley Station Modernization

Downtown Berkeley Station Modernization Concourse Rendering

The photo rendering above shows a possible new concourse ceiling, walls and floors as part of the ongoing BART Station Modernization Plan for Downtown Berkeley.

The Downtown Berkeley Station Modernization Plan creates a community-based vision for modernizing the station with a high standard of design excellence, functionality and cost effectiveness. It identifies and prioritizes long-term improvements to guide future investment in the station, including fixing and upgrading core existing station and system facilities to keep the station functioning well, and other proposed upgrades to improve station circulation, access and customer experience. Public input from events and an online survey helped BART prioritize the order in which investments will be made as funding becomes available.

This Plan is distinct from, but complementary to, the Downtown Berkeley Plaza Project , which has gone through a separate community planning process in partnership with the City of Berkeley.

Project Purpose

Develop a phased implementation plan for improvements to modernize Downtown Berkeley Station and enhance customer experience.

Project Goals

  • Enhance Downtown Berkeley Station as a gateway to the City of Berkeley and the UC Berkeley campus
  • Modernize and refresh the station to bring it into the 21st century
  • Ensure that the station design reflects BART’s sustainability goals
  • Enhance access and connections between the station and the Downtown Berkeley neighborhood
  • Improve the station’s function, safety, capacity and appearance
  • Incorporate art and community identity into the station
  • Incorporate station amenities to improve customer experience

Project Materials

Downtown Berkeley Station Modernization Plan (Final Report, April 2017)

Project Overview (2016 Outreach Event Boards)

Community Survey Summary (October 2015)

October 2015 Outreach Board (English)

October 2015 Outreach Board (Español)

October 2015 Outreach Board (在中国)

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