In May 2022, BART began utilizing highly trained hawks to mitigate the pigeon problem at El Cerrito del Norte. In just a short time, the use of the predatory bird proved effective at deterring non-native pigeons that seek food and shelter in BART stations. Pigeon droppings can carry diseases, corrode important infrastructure, and are, simply put, nasty. Read an in-depth story about the project here.
The BART Board of Directors approved an expansion of the falconry-based nuisance bird control initiative in 2024, and you will now find hawks and their skilled handlers at 12 stations on a rotating basis, including Richmond, Walnut Creek, Pittsburg/Bay Point, San Leandro, Hayward, S. Hayward, S. San Francisco, San Bruno, Glen Park, Balboa Park, San Leandro, and Coliseum/OAK Airport (locations subject to change).
The Harris’s hawks scare away pigeons as part of the natural predator/prey dynamic, but don’t harm the nuisance birds. The pigeons take the path of least resistance: They find somewhere else to hang out.
The Harris’s hawks and their handlers are unpopular with pests but routinely generate looks of astonishment and appreciation from BART riders, inspiring the creation of one of BART’s anime mascots, “Nimbus.”