BART unveils new draft bicycle plan, seeks public comment

Photo by Nick Sherman via Flickr
Over the past year, BART has crafted a brand new bicycle plan that defines the strategies BART will pursue over the next 10 years to double the number of passengers who access stations by bike. This is an update to BART’s first Bicycle Plan, published 10 years ago.
Approximately 4%, or about 14,000 passengers, currently reach BART stations each weekday by bicycle. Building on the success of past BART bicycle access improvements, the growth in popularity of bicycle travel throughout the BART service area, and the significant improvements to bike travel recommended in this plan, this BART Bicycle Plan’s goal is to double this rate, to 8% by 2022, by transforming BART from a system that allows bikes to one that depends on them.
The plan focuses on five high-level issues each with multiple strategies:
- Cyclist Circulation: Improve station circulation for passengers with bicycles
- Plentiful Parking: Create world-class bicycle parking facilities
- Beyond BART Boundaries: Help assure great bicycle access beyond BART’s boundaries
- Bikes on BART: Optimize bicycle accommodations aboard trains
- Persuasive Programs: Complement bicycle-supportive policies and facilities with support programs
“It’s been exciting to watch the popularity of bicycling to BART skyrocket” said Steve Beroldo, BART’s Bike Program Manager. “We installed 65 bike rack spaces inside-the-station at 19th St/Oakland Station and within months they were full. We added 30 more spaces there plus 30 new inside-the-station spaces at 12th St/Oakland City Center just to keep up with demand.”
The draft plan is available for review and comment at through May 27, 2012. Comments and suggestions related to the draft Bike Plan can be sent to [email protected].