Expect late-evening delays in Transbay Tube for earthquake safety work
We are continuing to work to make the BART system safer in the event of an earthquake.
Beginning this week and continuing until the end of January, there will be some late evening work performed in the Transbay Tube, which means we can use only one track after 10 pm. We are working to complete a power supply upgrade project before the next stage of our Earthquake Strengthening Project. We are scheduling this work during hours when the fewest possible number of customers will be affected. The work must begin during operating hours because the current phase requires more than the 2-4 hours each night that we usually have available to work in the Transbay Tube.
Customers traveling after 10 pm should allow extra time as trains will have to share one track between Montgomery Station and West Oakland Station.
We will try to keep delays to a minimum and will maintain transfers for customers making connections between lines. On the evenings that the work is being performed we will publish BART Service Advisories (BSAs) to keep customers informed. Sign up to receive BSAs at www.bart.gov/alerts
You can also text “BART go” to 468311 or call 511 to get up-to-date information.
The work is expected to take place on the following nights but you should keep in mind that the specific schedule could change: 1/21, 1/22, 1/23, 1/24, 1/27, 1/29, 1/30 and 1/31.
The next phase of strengthening work in the Transbay Tube will begin in March 2013 and continue for 13-14 months. This work will also require single tracking during late night hours as the work cannot be completed in the normal maintenance hours that we have available.
We appreciate your understanding as we build a stronger BART.
If you need language assistance services, please call BART’s Transit Information Center at (510) 465-2278.
Updated Feb. 5, 2013, to reflect one day of work originally scheduled for Feb. 5 is no longer scheduled due to completion of first phase ahead of schedule.