Temporary changes to parking at San Leandro Station March - August 2013
As part of our systemwide Earthquake Safety Program, construction crews are continuing to strengthen the elevated structures outside the San Leandro Station to better withstand future earthquakes. The current area of work is nearing completion and will be returning 38 daily fee parking spaces to service. The next phases of work will require the temporary closure of some other daily fee parking spaces starting the week of Monday, March 18, 2013 (download passenger bulletin (.pdf) for map). The work will take place from 7 am to 7 pm (with some night work) in two phases for approximately three months per phase.
The contractor will post “No Parking” signs in the designated areas prior to work beginning. Vehicles that are not moved from areas that have been marked with “No Parking” signs on the date posted will be subject to ticketing and/or towing. Please watch for signs with safety information and other notices.
We realize that this will cause you inconvenience and appreciate your patience during this important maintenance work.
You can get BART Service Advisories (BSAs) on your phone. To sign up for BSAs, please visit us on the web at www.bart.gov/alerts. You may also text “BART go” to 468311 or call 511 to get up-to-date service information.
A related project to strengthen structures inside the San Leandro Station will occur in the future. As always, safety is BART’s top priority. Our aim is to strengthen BART as quickly as possible, while maintaining BART service.
To contact the Earthquake Safety Program or obtain additional information, please visit our website at www.bart.gov/earthquakesafety or call our Program Information Line at (510) 476-3876
Updated Feb. 28 to change estimated start of work date to March 18.