Charter bus items will be in BART's Lost and Found

BART's lost and found office regularly helps riders reconnect with items they have inadvertently left behind on trains, from sweaters to sunglasses. Now, they're also helping out with items left behind on the special charter buses that BART provided to carry riders during the strike last week when trains were not running.
Many of the things left behind on the buses, like those with identification, already have been returned to their owners. However, the items pictured at right are still awaiting reunions: some pairs of glasses, a key on a lanyard, a charger, and "Cat Stories," a book whose description on Amazon references "two centuries of literary homages to the fascinating feline." Do they look familiar?
The same procedure should be used in contacting lost and found for items on buses, as is typical for items on trains or in stations. The preferred method is to use this web form, providing as much detail as possible.
BART's Lost and Found is located in the 12th St./Oakland City Center Station. Lost and Found is open Monday, Wednesday and Friday from noon to 2 pm and 3 to 6 pm and closed holidays. Hours are subject to change. For updated daily hours of operation, please call the Lost and Found Hotline at (510) 464-7090.
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