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BART will have long trains and extra staff for the Women's March events

BART is gearing up to serve what are expected to be large crowds this Saturday, January 19, 2019 for the Women’s Marches in downtown San Francisco and Oakland. Longer trains will be available for riders all day and additional event trains will be on standby ready to deploy if needed.

We are expecting our busiest stations to be Civic Center and Embarcadero in San Francisco, as well as 12th Street and Lake Merritt in downtown Oakland.

Riders are strongly encouraged to buy round-trip tickets in advance to avoid long lines at stations. Don't forget that paper tickets have a $1.00 round-trip surcharge so riders can save money by loading value on a Clipper card for their trip.

There will be additional staff at the busiest stations to assist BART riders, including more Station Agents and extra technicians to ensure our ticket machines, elevators and escalators are working.

The BART Police Department will also have extra officers on duty Saturday to help with crowd control.

Parking at our stations is free on weekends. Please remember to not leave anything visible in your car.

Also, if you see something suspicious at a station, please tell BART police or a station agent. Use the BARTWatch App to report criminal activity.


Women's March

Photo by: Khaled Sayed