How changing your bike lock can help prevent theft

With more and more people switching from four wheels to two, bikes that are not securely locked can be easy pickings for thieves.
By changing your bike lock, you can take the first step to keeping your bike safe.
When leaving your bike at a BART station make sure it is secured with a good quality U-Lock. We strongly recommend against locking your bike with only a cable type lock; cable locks are easily cut. BART bike experts even recommend using two U-Locks -- to secure the frame and both wheels.
Whether you’re taking your bike on board or parking it at a station, make sure you record your bike’s serial number along with a description of the bike. You can usually find the number under the bike’s bottom bracket (the part of the frame where the pedal cranks revolve). This will greatly increase your chance of recovery if it is stolen.
Remember, while BART does have a system-wide surveillance system, security cameras are not a guarantee against theft. If you depend on your bike, take what steps you can to protect it from thieves!
For more anti-theft tips visit: or
BART to add more secure bike parking
BART is working aggressively to add more secure bike parking on our system. Bike racks in the paid area of the Dublin/Pleasanton, Lake Merritt and MacArthur stations were recently installed and there are more to come. The BART Bike Parking Capital Plan details our efforts to add 2,000 secure parking spaces at 18 stations. The Plan includes
- 316 new shared-use BikeLink lockers in 2014;
- Three new bike stations and Civic Center, MacArthur and 19th Street Oakland;
- And more bike racks added in the paid area of stations where possible.
The new 19th Street Bike Station will be an attended facility similar to the ones BART now operates at Downtown Berkeley and Fruitvale; the other two will be self-serve parking cyclists can access with a BikeLink smartcard.
Until secure parking is added to your station, when securing your bike, switch to using good quality U-Locks to protect your favorite ride.