Delays possible for Oakland Airport Connector work evenings through June 2014
While we continue working on the Oakland Airport Connector there may be evenings when we need to work on and near the tracks south of Coliseum Station. When this work is going on we may only be able to use one track between Coliseum and San Leandro stations.
This work will be scheduled for evenings after 8 pm on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays as necessary. We anticipate that when we use one track you will be delayed between 5-10 minutes.
We appreciate your patience as we get closer to the completion of the new connection to Oakland Airport. We will make every effort to minimize the number of times we have to use one track and our construction team is attempting to complete this work in the shortest time possible. Download the passenger bulletin here.
Future access to the Oakland Airport Connector will be located at the south end of the Coliseum Station platform and will be accessible to passengers with disabilities and travelers with luggage.
For the latest information on the project please visit
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