Livermore Extension

Livermore Extension


The BART to Livermore Extension project was a proposal to extend the BART rail line by 5.5 miles along I-580 from the existing Dublin/Pleasanton Station to a new station in the vicinity of the Isabel Avenue interchange. The Project also incorporated improvements to the local bus system, connections with key activity centers in Livermore and inter-regional rail service. The proposed extension would have provided an alternative to traffic congestion on the busy Interstate 580 (I-580) corridor, reduced greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants and expanded opportunities for transit-oriented development.

 Fountain image

Photo credit: Marc Buehler, flickr, 2012.  

 Dublin/Pleasanton BART Station image

Photo credit: Eric Fischer, flickr, 2011.  

BART to Livermore Extension Board of Directors Decision

At its May 24, 2018 Board meeting, the BART Board voted to certify the BART to Livermore Extension Project Final Environmental Impact Report, but to not advance the Proposed Conventional BART Extension to Livermore. The Board also voted to not advance the DMU/EMU Alternative, Express Bus/BRT Alternative or the Enhanced Bus Alternative. A video of the meeting can be found at (go to the May 24, 2018 meeting and click on “Watch Now”).

Continued planning for a rail connection between BART, ACE, and the San Joaquin Valley is being conducted by the Tri-Valley San Joaquin Valley Regional Rail Authority. Their concept for an initial project is an EMU/DMU from West Tracy to BART. For more details, go to

Project Summary

BART staff has developed conceptual engineering for the proposed project and prepared a project-level Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the proposed project. The project-level EIR builds upon the 2010 program-level EIR, which looked at 10 alignment alternatives. The project-level EIR evaluates the construction of the BART rail extension, including the BART station, associated parking, storage and maintenace facilities, as well as the operation of new BART and bus services. The BART project team also developed conceptual plans for alternatives to the proposed project; these alternatives are also evaluated in the project-level EIR for environmental impacts. These alternatives include a No Project Alternative, a Diesel Multiple Unit (DMU) or Electric Multiple Unit (EMU) Alternative, an Express Bus/Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Alternative, and an Enhanced Bus Alternative (see Project Alternatives for details).

The Draft Environmental Impact Report (Draft EIR) was released for public review on July 31, 2017, and the Final Environmental Impact Report (Final EIR) was released on May 11, 2018. Upon considering public input on selecting the recommended alternative, the BART Board of Directors certified the Final EIR but decided not to advance the BART to Livermore Extension Project at their May 24, 2018 meeting.

See project schedule

To view selected prior presentations and documents click here

City of Livermore - Isabel Neighborhood Plan

As a separate but related project, the City of Livermore developed a land use and circulation plan for the area surrounding the proposed BART station at the Isabel Avenue interchange. The Isabel Neighborhood Plan area (also referred to as the “Plan Area”) covers approximately 1,132 acres and surrounds the proposed Isabel BART station. Most of the Plan Area is north of the freeway. The City and its consultants conducted outreach with the community and stakeholders to obtain input on the plan.  As Lead Agency, the City of Livermore completed a Program-level Environmental Impact Report (EIR) that addressed the potential environmental impacts related to implementation of the Isabel Neighborhood Plan. The City council adopted the Isabel Neighborhood Plan on May 14, 2018.

Learn more about the City of Livermore and the Isabel Neighborhood Plan.


BART to Livermore Extension Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR)

The FEIR is available via download on the BART to Livermore Environmental Process page.

The FEIR is also available at the Livermore, Dublin and Pleasanton Libraries.

BART to Livermore Extension Responses to BART Board Requests

This memorandum provides responses to several infromation requests made by the BART Board of Directors regarding the BART to Livermore Extension Project.

2018 05 07 Board Memo Responses to Board Requests - Complete.pdf

BART to Livermore Extension Proposed Project and Build Alternatives Evaluation Report (Evaluation Report)

The updated Evaluation Report supplements the information provided in the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) to Livermore Extension Project Environmental Impact Report (EIR). The Evaluation Report provides a comparison of the benefits and costs of the Proposed Project and build alternatives.  The updated Evaluation Report includes a summary of outreach findings and responses to selected BART Board requests (the updated sections are Section 4.8, starting on page 44, and Appendix D).

Click here for the Updated Evaluation Report (May 21, 2018)

BART to Livermore Extension Alternatives Evaluation Outreach Report 

From August 2017 through May 2018, BART implemented a public involvement process specifically to obtain feedback on the Proposed Project and alternatives.  This report provides a summary of the public outreach process and  opportunities provided to stakeholders and the public to provide input. A summary of key findings and meetings with stakeholders is also included in the report. The report appendices provide detailed information regarding information materials and displays used, survey responses, and notes from many stakeholder and public meetings.


Draft Enviromental Impact Report (DEIR)

The DEIR is avaliable via download on the BART to Livermore Environmental Process page.

The DEIR continues to be available at the Livermore, Dublin and Pleasanton Libraries.

Comment Period. The public comment period for the DEIR began on July 31, 2017. The deadline for receipt of comments was 5:00 pm, October 16, 2017. The public comment period is closed.

Public Meetings.  Two public meetings to receive comments on the DEIR were held on:

  • Tuesday, August 22, 2017, Robert Livermore Community Center, 4448 Loyola Way, Livermore, CA 94550. 6:00 pm Open House/7:00 pm Meeting

  • Tuesday, August 29, 2017, Shannon Community Center, 11600 Shannon Avenue, Dublin, CA 94568. 6:00 pm Open House/7:00 pm Meeting

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