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Podcast: The outgoing board president talks about 20 years at BART

Big changes are coming to BART’s Board of Directors. In the latest edition of "Hidden Tracks: Stories from BART" we hear from Tom Radulovich who is leaving the BART board after 20 years of service. The outgoing board president talks about his decision to not seek re-election as well as his hopes for the

Take BART to the 158th St. Patrick's Day Parade and Festival

On Saturday, March 14, be green when you head to San Francisco’s 158th Annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade and Festival by riding BART! The parade begins at 11:30 a.m. at the corner of Second and Market Streets. More than 5,000 participants, including BART’s own BARTmobile, will parade down Market Street to the

BART service in San Mateo County changes on September 12th

Effective Monday, September 12th, BART will adjust service along the five-station San Mateo County extension, which includes the San Francisco International Airport Station. Trains on the Dublin/Pleasanton line will begin serving the extension on September 12th. Trains on this line will arrive every 15

BART to extend hours, provide special service on New Year's Eve

BART will help you ring in 2012 by staying open three hours later than normal and by offering special service into downtown San Francisco for the fireworks show beginning at 8 pm. BART to Extend Hours Until 3 am BART service normally ends around midnight, but on Saturday, December 31, 2011, BART trains will

BART beefs up Saturday service beginning 6/12/21

On July 1, 2021 we announced will return to near-pre pandemic service on August 2 instead of August 30 as originally planned. Tomorrow marks a new chapter in the Bay Area’s pandemic recovery with more frequent BART service on Saturdays to better serve riders heading out for weekend activities. Sixteen

BART-VTA joint statement on peer review for Silicon Valley Extension

VTA and BART are planning to conduct a peer review of single-bore and twin-bore tunnel methodologies for the 5-mile tunnel of the planned extension of BART into Silicon Valley. The peer review, which will commence this month and take several weeks, will be conducted by public transit agencies currently

Alert rider helps BART Police find missing Fremont boy

An alert BART rider helped BART Police reunite a missing boy with his father. On Tuesday, Feb. 28, the rider noticed a boy, estimated between the ages of 8 and 12, walking erratically on bare feet close to the edge of the trackway at South Hayward Station. The rider called out to the boy to get away from the

BART joins new partnership to improve conditions at Civic Center Station

BART is teaming up with the City of San Francisco and the San Francisco Police Department on a new joint plan to improve public health and safety conditions at Civic Center Station. The comprehensive action plan will increase the number of officers patrolling the station as well as closely align existing