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Fare increase January 1, 2020

A 5.4% inflation-based fare increase will take effect on January 1, 2020 as part of a program first approved by the BART Board in 2003 and renewed for a second series in 2013. For a short trip like Downtown Berkeley to 19th St./Oakland, the Clipper fare will increase by 10 cents, and a longer trip like

Fare increase January 1, 2020

A 5.4% inflation-based fare increase will take effect on January 1, 2020 as part of a program first approved by the BART Board in 2003 and renewed for a second series in 2013. For a short trip like Downtown Berkeley to 19th St./Oakland, the Clipper fare will increase by 10 cents, and a longer trip like

Weekend delays between South Hayward and Fremont due to track work

BART will be doing maintenance work on the track sections between South Hayward and Fremont stations through May. The work will be done on Saturdays and Sundays (except for Bay to Breakers race day--5/20) and will result in 10 to15 minute delays on the line. This work is scheduled for the morning and early

Juvenile suspect under arrest following fatal shooting

BART Police have arrested a 16-year-old homicide suspect wanted for fatally shooting a 17-year-old female last night outside the West Oakland Station. Shortly before 1 p.m., working in conjunction with BART Police, Oakland Police took the male suspect into custody. The shooting occurred at 10:30 p.m. in the

Statement regarding February letter from the Federal Transit Administration (FTA)

BARTtv: Video of BART's response

BART has received FTA Administrator Peter Rogoff’s letter today stating that the FTA has rejected BART’s plan to meet the FTA’s standards of full compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act. This letter cites no substantive deficiencies in BART’s latest draft action plan to correct Title VI deficiencies

You might be surprised by what's BARTable

Transcript below: HOST: “Some call it the fun side of BART. In our latest edition of “Hidden Tracks: Stories from BART” we learn about all things BARTable. The site has only been around for a couple of years but already it has generated a large following among those interested in fun activities that are just

Embarcadero Station escalator closed for replacement

On Tuesday, March 15th, the easternmost platform escalator inside the Embarcadero Station will be closed as BART’s escalator contractor works to replace the escalator with a new escalator. Work will begin with the installation of a barricade around the escalator unit. The barricade will create a safe