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Construction on two new driveways at Pleasant Hill Station

The week of March 27, 2006, contractors will begin the installation of two new driveways on Oak Road at the Pleasant Hill BART station. This work will require the following partial road closures: The right lane of Oak Road approaching Wayne Drive will be closed. This lane will be closed for about one week

System Performance

Strategic indicator: Average customer on time performance Goal: Optimize and maintain system performance to provide reliable, safe, cost effective and customer focused service BART is working to improve on-time performance by replacing old equipment and introducing new rail cars. Our long-term target is to

Introducing ... @SFBARTalert

@SFBARTalert (beta) is a new Twitter feed to give you one thing and one thing only: the same automated service advisories that BART delivers via SMS subscription and SMS on-demand. When we started the main @SFBART Twitter account back in July 2008 we never considered it an "official" channel for service

Fares increase January 1, 2018

On January 1, 2018, a number of fare changes will take place as authorized by the BART Board of Directors. New Fares A fare increase of 2.7% will be applied to all fares, including discounted fares. The minimum fare will increase to $2.00 for Adults, $1 for Youth, and $.75 for Senior/Disabled Clipper® users

MacArthur Plaza Improvements

BART is making improvements to the plaza in front of the entrance to MacArthur Station. The work kicked off in June 2018. As of August 5, 2019, BART has opened a new secure bike station and has completed all improvements. The entire project includes the construction of a new self-park bike station, removal of

Rider Talk (open captions)

It could be the Cal game to root for the Bears. The airport to pick up a visitor from Delhi. The Lovefest to dance in the streets of San Francisco. It could be work, school, shopping or theater, anywhere you want to be without the hassle and expense of traffic and parking. Whatever "there" means to you, BART